The homeopathic management of disease of the skin.
The skin is the body’s largest organ; an average person’s skin weighs 9 pounds and covers an area of 22 square feet.
Today, skin diseases are rampant and victimize almost every person at some point during his or her lifetime. Surveys suggest that 20 – 30 % of the world population has a skin problem that deserves some form of medical attention.
Skin complaints have troubled man since a long time & man has tried various techniques to get rid of them.
Unfortunately, most people prefer to treat skin diseases with topical applications, which are useless or worse.
When practiced correctly, homeopathic medicine offers significant help with skin diseases by addressing the underlying root cause of the condition without any side effects.
However, a high rate of success treating dermatological diseases with homeopathy.
The skin can lose its glow and get dull and discolored. Sun exposure, Chloasma, freckles, and scars due to acne are just a few reasons. Although not a life-threatening issue, people with dull and darkened facial skin usually consider it a life-altering one, leading to feelings of inadequacy and decreased self-confidence. This, in most cases, leads to the haphazard use of cosmetics and medicated ointments. However, only temporary results are usually found and in some cases, injudicious use of such products may even aggravate the condition. Homeopathic remedies for clear and glowing skin are free from any side effects and are extremely effective in treating this problem.
Specific conditions :
How Homeopathy helps?
It is a skin disorder in which the cells that make melanin pigment (melanocytes) are destroyed. The destruction results in the loss of pigment and the appearance of irregular white patches on the skin. vitiligo can occur at any age but usually occurs before the age of 20 in about 50% of patients. there are five main types of vitiligo which are based upon the location of the white patches and the pattern of involvement:– focal generalized acrofacial segmental and universal.
Cause of vitiligo is not well understood it is believed to be an autoimmune disorder which means that certain blood cells in your body lymphocytes turn against an attack the melanocytes.
Ego may be associated with other immune disorders, they include Addison’s disease (adrenal gland disorder) alopecia areata, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, parathyroid disease, Melanoma, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (yeast infection), pernicious anemia, and uveitis (an eye disorder).
Psoriasis — other people’s opinion of YOU does NOT have to become your reality.
Psoriasis —
the time from being diagnosed with psoriasis till the remaining life of that the individual person goes through phases of different kinds of emotions ranging from anger frustration shame indignation and in severe cases depression.
What is psoriasis?
The worst part is being forced to deal with cosmetic “imperfections” that limits a person’s freedom of actions and social behavior as well as their selection of hairstyle clothing and so on. people with psoriasis frequently suffer from inferiority complex is being troubled by their the appearance they become reserved and shy, they are word public places and wear maximally closed clothing even in hot weather they never had long sleeve shirts and pants.
Symptoms —
Causes —
Different Types of psoriatic lesions —
Homeopathic relief for ECZEMA
What is Eczema?
Homeo pathic approach—
the homeo Pathic approach for eczema is to treat the child as a whole rather than treating only the disease eczema is simply an external presentation of an internal disorder due to load vitality and immunity when the whole person is created the proper of the human system is enhance thereby causing the disease to disappear.
Constitutional remedy specific to the individual is selected by assigning the physical mental and emotional state family history and the past health history of the person the type of eczema location aggravating and relieving factors will be taken into consideration besides many other factors in choosing the remedy.
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis also known as atopic eczema or eczema is a type of dermatitis, an inflammatory, relapsing, non-contagious and itchy skin disorder.
Atopic– refers to a tendency to develop allergy conditions.
Dermatitis – means inflammation, swelling of the skin.
Causes of Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis looks different in infants, children, and adults. The following gives you the signs (what you see) and symptoms (what you feel) for each age group.
Infants: It can occur as early as at 2 or 3 months of life, it often causes:
Eczema in Children
It occurs between 2 years of age and puberty, the child often has these signs and symptoms:
Eczema in Adults
§ It is rare for adults to get Atopic dermatitis (AD). Most people (90%) get AD before age 5. About half (50%) of people who get AD during childhood continue to have milder signs and symptoms of AD as an adult. When an adult has AD, it often looks different from the AD of childhood. For adults, AD often:
Types of Eczema
Atopic Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis
It is a localized reaction that includes redness, itching, and burning in areas where the skin has come into contact with an allergen.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
It is characterized by yellowish, oily, scaly patches of skin on the scalp, face, and occasionally other parts of the body.
Dandruff and “Cradle Cap” in infants are examples of it. Emotional stress, oily skin, infrequent shampooing, and weather conditions may all increase the risk.
Nummular Dermatitis
It is characterized by coin-shaped patches of irritated skin. Mostly located on arms, back, buttocks, and lower legs.
(Lichen Simplex Chornicus) It is a chronic skin inflammation caused by scratch itch cycle that begins with a localized itch becomes intensely irritated when scratched.
Women are more commonly affected.
Stasis Dermatitis
It is a skin irritation on the lower legs. Generally related to circulatory problems (venous insufficiency). Most common in middle-aged and elderly people.
Dyshydrotic Dermatitis
It is an irritation of the skin on palms and soles, characterized by clear, deep blisters that itch and burn. The cause is unknown.
Diagnosis of Eczema
Treatment Of Eczema
Eczema can be well-managed by following all three steps below, and keeping up with skincare, even when eczema seems to be in control.
3 Steps to Eczema Management:
Homeopathic treatment for Eczema
Acne – These are pimples, as we all know. This is generally caused because of inflammation of blocked pilo sebaceous follicles (blocked oil glands of the skin). Cause – hormonal, leading to over secretion & infection. The skin is greasy & the face has blackheads & often we find skin scaring.
Causes and occurrence —-
The Homeopathic approach –
Looking after your skin if you have acne or are prone to acne —
When external appearance is as important as the internal health of an individual any growth or reduction seen on a person’s external body causes a lot of speculation as to what it is how it has come up and most importantly how to get rid of it. If such a thing appears especially in children the parents need to make sure that it is cured permanently without any side effects one such commonly seen eruptions in children and young adults is Molluscum Contagiosum. Although it is common skin rashes in kids many parents have never heard of it so are often caught and aware in such a situation.
What is a molluscum contagiosum ?—
Signs and symptoms —
Homeopathic management –
Preventing the spread of Molluscum Contagiosum–
Urticaria (Hives) & Angioedema
This is characterized by a lot of elevated patched (red or white), or nodules with a lot of itching & burning. It is generally caused as a reaction to some allergen either via contact or ingestion. It’s a complaint where the immune system of the body hyper reacts to the stimulus.
What is Urticaria?
Synonym: hives, welts, or nettle rash.
Causes of Urticaria
Urticaria occurs when a trigger causes high levels of histamine and other chemical messengers to be released in the skin.
These substances cause the blood vessels in the affected area of skin to open up (often resulting in redness or pinkness) and become leaky. This extra fluid in the tissues causes swelling and itchiness.
Histamine is released for a wide range of reasons, including:
Types of Urticaria
Diagnosis of Urticaria
The doctor will usually be able to diagnose urticaria by examining the rash on your skin.
They will want to find out what triggered your symptoms so you can avoid it in the future. They may ask you a number of questions including:
If you’ve had urticaria most days for more than six weeks, it’s unlikely to be the result of an allergy, so allergy tests aren’t usually recommended.
Complications of Urticaria
Around a quarter of people with acute urticaria and half of the people with chronic urticaria will also develop swelling in a deeper layer of skin.
This is known as angioedema and it can cause severe swelling in different parts of the body, such as the eyes, lips, and genitals.
Homeopathic treatment for Urticaria
Meet Us today to know more about the Urticaria treatment and how you too can live a pain-free life after Homeopathy treatment for Urticaria.
Warts – These are skin eruptions commonly known as viral warts. They do recur even after cauterization. Another type seen mostly in children is called the water warts or molluscum contagiosum, which spreads, by direct contact.
lichenoid eruptions – lichen planus
What is Lichen Planus?
Causes of Lichen Planus
Symptoms of Lichen Planus
Types of Lichen Planus
Linear lichen planus-In These lesions are distributed in a linear fashion.
6.Bullous lichen planus-In this bulls is situated on the violaceous base resembling lichen planus.
Diagnosis of Lichen Planus
Homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus
This brings us to the scope of Homeopathy treatment in such cases. The medicines used are all-natural and, thus, free from any harmful components. Their selection is based upon the individual constitution of the patient, and success is attained by employing the constitutional remedy internally. No external application is applied or recommended.
As the condition has arisen due to a disturbance in the internal balance of the body and not due to any external factor, the medicine too must work from inside to clear the skin. This result is gained through homeopathic remedies which raise the inner vitality of the person and throw out any noxious agent in the body which may be the cause behind dull and discolored skin. The result—fair, clear, and glowing skin is regained.
Many Homeopathic Remedies for Clear and Glowing Skin
Berberis Aquifolium, Sulphur, Psorinum, Bovista, Sepia, Silicea, Kali Bromatum, Natrum Mur, Lycopodium, Phosphorous, are the top remedies for clear and glowing skin.
These medicines are always selected according to the constitution of the patient and help to remove freckles and make the skin clean and clear. The constitutional symptoms are all different and peculiar for each of these medicines. A few symptoms are listed below:
A person who needs Natrum Mur has a hot temperament with intolerance to the heat of the sun. He may also crave salty things. Usually, the person is reserved in nature and may show a tendency to weep easily.
The constitutional symptoms for selecting Lycopodium include a desire for sweets or warm food and warm drinks. Chronic gastric troubles of varying character may also be found in subjects needing Lycopodium.
Phosphorus may be needed when a person has a craving for ice-creams, juices, or cold drinks. Such a person is also sensitive to external impressions like noise, light, and odors.
These are only glimpses of the symptoms, out of a huge list of constitutional symptoms. Apart from these many other symptoms may need to be considered before selecting these remedies. That is where a good homeopath comes in. He will ask for details and work on a comprehensive case study before deciding the medicine most appropriate for you.
Common beliefs about skin complaints are that they are very local complaints and getting rid of them solves the problem for good. However, unfortunately, that’s not true for many skin complaints. They generally have a deep underlying cause precipitating the skin eruption and therefore applying ointments locally hardly helps a permanent cure.
Homeopathy Treatment for Warts
What are Warts and how are they formed
Types of Warts
Homeopathy Treatment for warts
Homeopathy treatment for warts offers promising results.
Natural homeopathic remedies for warts are prescribed after careful observation of symptoms and detailed case study.
Constitutional homeopathy treatment for warts and the beauty of this treatment is that they are safe and free from side effects.
Homeopathy treatment works by improving immunity and also offers long-term relief from warts.
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