Rebellious Behavior in Children and Homoeopathy
Nikhil’s Mother almost dragged him into the cabin and seated him in the front seat. “I don’t want to come in. I want to stay outside.” Screaming, Nikhil shook his Mother’s hand and came out.
“Are you coming in to talk to Nikhil ? Otherwise I will slap you ? So his Mother slapped him.
“Doctor, look, it’s been like this every day. It’s been denied in everything at home. We’re so tired of his behavior of saying the opposite, acting the opposite.” Nikhil’s Mother become helpless in front of him.
Parents came to “Chaitanya Homeopathic Clinic” with a thirteen year old son. ” He is very intelligent but has a Rebellious Attitude. Arguing about everything. Opposing the opposition. No dialogue can be attempted with him. Even our conversion to plain speaking was controversial.”
Even now he flatly refused to come to you. “You parents need treatment, not me,” he said.
Sometimes negativity in children takes the form of Psychological problems. This problem is called “Oppositional Defined Disorder”.
Children with this rebellious attitude tend to be more negative, aggressive, antagonistic, and impulsive than expected for their age. These problems are not at all exceptional.
Negativity in children, their opposite and different behavior, is a headache for many parents. Frustrated, confused parents try unsuccessfully to make children obey, sometimes by humming, sometimes by hitting or punishing.
But often with such behavior children seem to become more rebellious. But to understand how to handle these children, parents need to know the Mentality of the children, the important stages of their personality development.
When the child is usually one and a half years old, we start to feel different expressions from his behavior.
Children at this age are very curious about everything around them. Everything has to be handled by oneself. Every work has to be done by oneself.
If you don’t want to jump on the sofa, you definitely want to jump. When she told me to wear full clothes, she used to run around the house and leave her exhausted. I will drink milk from a glass. I will eat with a spoon like Dad. I want to wear a new frock today. They become obstinate to act according to one’s own Mind. So this is common pattern in these children.
We are a different person. They start to realize that we also have our own likes and dislikes, different opinions.
This awareness of “Self”(” स्व “) is an important stage in their personality development. From that, their “Self-Image”(“स्व-प्रतिमा”) will be formed.
Confidence will increase. Who is happy after being able to eat, even if it is spilled with his own hands, but he doubles the Mother’s work by spilling a bowl of rice around him, or does not know the harm caused by breaking a glass while drinking milk. It causes inconvenience to others. They are not old enough to know that others are suffering.
But parents are angry with this behavior of children. Your child is causing you trouble by deliberately acting contrary. Parents get angry because they feel that they are being rude.
Youngsters try to discipline children at an early age, fearing that the child will get out of control. But using the discipline rules incorrectly and unnecessarily is likely to increase children’s negativity. So parents should be aware of something special.
From the age of one and a half to three and a half years, children behave very negatively. This is a very important stage in their development. If this is discussed in front of children, there is a definite increase in behavior.
If children are tired, hungry, sick or upset, negativity increases in them. In such a case, parents should behave with more love and patience. The real skill of parents is to ignore their rejection, distract them, laugh and play and get them to do what they want when they are young.
Instead of saying, “Let’s brush our teeth or play time,” kids have fun doing things like, “What should we do after dinner ? Or who’s going to stop playing until I count to ten ?”
When children’s safety is at risk, for example if children are playing with knives, parents need to take firm precautions.
But putting too many rules on children for no reason, such as don’t step on the easy, don’t touch the radio, don’t talk loudly, the tendency to break the rules increases in the children.
Excessive discipline, constant criticism, harsh punishments are likely to make the child more rebellious.
Such rebelliousness in children is called “Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)” in medical terminology.
Every child has a very different personality. Some children are naturally very stubborn and rebellious, while others are obedient and soft. But it is often seen that due to wrong parenting, negativity increases in children and leads to oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
This problem is found in children aged 5 to 15 in normal school. Although the exact causes of this problem are not known, the researchers believe that many things like the child’s stubborn nature, faulty parenting methods and the home environment are responsible for it.
Along with this problem, many problems like hyperactivity, learning disability, emotional instability are also found in children.
As children grow older, there is often no consistency in parenting behavior when it comes to discipline. Sometimes the parents fulfill the unreasonable demands of the children, shower them with pampering, playing, and sometimes they deny everything to the children just to assert dominance or authority.
For more trivial reasons, children are talked crazy, angry, beaten. In anger, children are called ‘stupid’, ‘ass’, ‘stupid’.
In the name of discipline, threats such as “boarding if you don’t behave well” are given.
Such behavior of parents hurts children. They get angry and hate this arbitrary behavior of their parents, then the anger in the Mind starts to express itself through rebellion.
Children start doing the things that the parents will not like or that will cause maximum Hurt. They don’t realize that they are harming their own lives. Moreover, turbulent and stressful environment in the home, lack of discipline by adults,
psychological problems in parents – for example excessive anger, depression, etc. can cause children to become rebellious.
Some of the symptoms of children with rebellious attitude problem are mainly–
• Aggression and lack of control over Emotions,
•Arguing with adults and others, deliberately acting contrary or uncooperative,
•Behavior that will cause trouble, anger to others,
Blaming others,
• Warmth,
•Using profanity,
• Willfully disobeying, breaking rules,
Blaming others for one’s mistakes…
While dealing with this challenging problem in children, it is beneficial for parents to follow a few things carefully.
1) As these children deliberately behave in a negative or disruptive manner, patience and love are tested by parents.
2) Getting even more angry at angry children increases conflict or even attempts at discipline are futile. Rather, by setting some rules in daily life, daily disputes are avoided.
For example – you will get milk only after brushing your teeth, watching TV for half an hour every day etc… Of course, consistency and firmness is necessary in such a rule.
3) When disciplining children, overly oppressive rules, corporal punishment, abusive behavior should be carefully avoided. Discipline should be consistent and coherent.
4) Treat children as individuals with love and respect. Give them a chance to express their feelings and wishes.
Sometimes such problems take a very serious form. In such cases, counseling, Behavioral therapy and Medication are needed. Such children benefit greatly from the treatment of Homoeopathic Medicines.
In Homeopathy, Medicines are selected after a thorough study of human nature and personality. Therefore, the insecurity, anger, negativity in the Mind of Children is reduced and helps them to become more Mentally balanced.
Homoeopathy has very effective Medicines for this problem which can be given based on the symptoms.