Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune Disease: Homeopathy as the Backbone of an Integrative Approach

  • According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), people in the world suffer from one or more autoimmune diseases.
  • Some 80-100 different autoimmune diseases have been identified, and researchers believe that at least another 40 have an autoimmune basis.
  • Not only are these diseases chronic in nature – they are often life-threatening as well. And their incidence is on the rise.
  • In autoimmune disease, the organism is depleted; the capacity to self-heal, gone. The body, in essence, is fighting itself, and energies are not focused in a restorative direction. It is for this reason that autoimmune patients do not respond to remedies in expected ways.

§ But, with the correct homeopathic treatment, lifestyle changes, and judicious use of complementary modalities, we have within our grasp a 200-year-old solution to a very modern problem.

§ We employ homeopathy in their integrative treatment strategies for autoimmune diseases. The toxic environmental and genetic correlates will be addressed.

Autoimmune diseases are familiar to us all:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis – An auto-immune affection and inflammation of the joints this disease affects all the joints of the body.
    • The affected joints show destruction & deformation. The blood test may or may not reveal a positive RA factor.
    • Symptoms: Swelling & pain in the small joints of the finger & toes to begin with.
    • As the disease progresses other joints get affected along with other systemic symptoms (weight loss, fever, weakness, etc.) ( Read more in Rheumatology disorder)
  2. Panic disorder – Panic disorder is a serious condition that strikes without reason or warning.
    • Symptoms of panic disorder include sudden attacks of fear and nervousness, as well as physical symptoms such as sweating and a racing heart. During a panic attack, the fear response is out of proportion for the situation, which often is not threatening.
    • Homeopathy tries to understand the cause behind the panic, the reasons for the panic to reach such a stage and address them. This ensures that the situation is dealt with at its roots. (Read More in Psychiatric problems)
  3. Lupus : — Lupus, an autoimmune disease, happens when the immune system attacks its tissues, causing inflammation, swelling, pain, and damage.
    • SLE is much more common in women than men.
    • Almost everyone with SLE has joint pain and swelling. Some develop arthritis.
    • Homeopathy has good results in patients with this condition. Where the relief from the acute exacerbations is reduced & the progress of the disease is slowed significantly. (Read More in skin disorder)
  4. Vitiligo —- (Read More in skin disorder)
  5. Crohn’s Disease
  6. Ulcerative Colitis – Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease of the large intestine, also known as the colon, in which the lining of the colon becomes inflamed and develops tiny ulcers, that produce pus and mucous. The combination of inflammation and ulceration can cause pain in abdomen and frequent stools. On many occasions blood is passed in stools.
    • Ulcerative colitis is the result of an abnormal response by your body’s immune system.
  7. Multiple Sclerosis – Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a genetic/ auto immune condition.
    • It affects the brain and spinal cord.
    • Early MS symptoms include weakness, tingling, numbness, and blurred vision.
    • Other signs are muscle stiffness, thinking problems, and urinary problems.
    • Homoeopathic medications can help in prolonging the progress of the disease and help patients cope up better with the disorder.
  8. Allergies :- (Read more in skin disorder)
  9. Migraines – Most patients suffering from migraine complain of periodic headache, which is typically one sided (unilateral) accompanied by vomiting.
    • Headaches are generally preceded by an aura of visual disturbances.
    • Periodicity is the most characteristic feature of this illness.
    • The condition starts after puberty & continues till late middle life.
    • The headache is usually localized to the frontal region & can spread to one side of the head. The pain occurs at intervals, which varies from patient to patient. The pain is very severe throbbing with vomiting, photophobia, & a lot of weakness. (Read more in Migraines)

    Common causes: –

    • Stress & anxiety play a major role in initiating & precipitating migraine.
    • Dietary factors like chocolates, cheese, and alcohol may precipitate the attack.
    • In women it is precipitated before menses or women taking oral contraceptives.
    • More than 50 % of the cases have a genetic predisposition.
  10. Psoriasis
    • This is characterized by thickening of the skin, well-demarcated elevated margins and scales.
    • This complaint is characterized by excessive epidermal proliferation (fast multiplication & death of the upper layer of skin causing the scaling).
    • The cause remains unknown. However, the factors that play a role are Genetic, Bio-chemical, Immunopathological (immune system related) & local.
    • The factors that trigger the pathology are trauma, infections, sunlight, drugs like anti malarial and steroids.
    • Stress & anxiety can trigger an acute exacerbation. (Read more in skin disorder)
  11. Hyperthyroidism :- The type of complaints that characterise Hyperthyroidism – an overactive thyroid gland
    • Thyroid imbalances are common during hormonal flux like Pregnancy. Perimenopause. Periods of stress, etc.
    • Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment to life-threatening cancer.
    • The most common thyroid problems involve abnormal production of thyroid hormones. Too much thyroid hormone results in a condition known as hyperthyroidism.
    • Insufficient hormone production leads to hypothyroidism.
    • Best Homeopathic treatment aiming to treat the cause by stimulating the immune system to repair the disposition and defects born through Genes works the way to health from thyroid diseases and disorders. (Read more in Thyroid disorder)
  12. Ankylosing Spondylitis : – They are chronic. They are notoriously difficult to treat & they can be fatal. (Read more in Rheumatology)
    • Finally (and perhaps most importantly), consideration will be given to a deeper understanding of autoimmune disease and how it impacts the full expression of the mind/body/spirit connection; because of the meaningful therapeutic client relationship that it affords, Homeopathy can facilitate profound levels of healing.
    • As homeopaths, we are the backbone of a genuine integrative strategy because we work not only at the root of disease, but also always consider obstacles to cure, educating our patient’s way beyond the edge of the pill bottle. Thanks to homeopathy, even complex modern illnesses have met their match in our 200-year-old healing art.

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